About the Founder
Berit Freutel
Bands of L.A. founder Berit Freutel was born in Germany and lived and worked as a journalist and book author in Vienna/Austria. Eleven years ago she moved to Los Angeles and started her own fashion brand, ‘Bands of L.A.’ The idea behind this label is that Los Angeles is a meeting ground where creatives from all over the world come to actualize their dreams, be inspired and grow in its adventurous terrain. Where resilience is often rewarded and the ability to transform and reinvent is a courageous necessary mindset. And as all this is contagious, Berit fell in love with this promising light and as the song goes “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!”, Berit does not intend to leave! Her purpose of creating the Bands of L.A. is to tie up the spirit of Los Angeles a little bit, free spirits keeping it together! When you don’t find her working on new ideas, you will find her passionately studying astrology with the goal of becoming a professional astrologer and helping others uncover their path!